The Orbán Showdown
Will the European Peoples Party finally expel Hungary’s prime minister and his Fidesz party?
Macron’s Appeal Hits a German Wall, Again
There’s a reason Berlin is so reticent about responding to the French president’s European reform proposals.
Who’s Afraid of No-Deal?
A series of dramatic votes in the British Parliament could make this the most significant week in the modern history of the United Kingdom.
Must Do Better
If the EU is to be a global player and not a plaything, Germany must make crucial improvements to its European policy. Traditionally, German …
Pursuing the Prosecutor
The former Romanian anti-corruption prosecutor wants to become the EU’s top prosecutor.
Brexit: Will May’s Gamble Pay Off?
With British politics disintegration, a Brexit delay is becoming more likely.

Well Advised? Hardly
Foreign affairs experts are facing a crisis. The problem is particularly pronounced in Berlin, where advisers and analysts are staring at the ruins of …

Words Don’t Come Easy: “Tempolimit”
In Germany’s highly-regulated society, driving as fast as you can on the autobahn is seen as one of the last remaining freedoms–for now. It’s …

Tepid on Climate Change
Following years of German inaction, a government commission has drawn up a timetable for phasing out coal. But Angela Merkel’s record on climate has …

Close-Up: Robert Habeck
In a political landscape beset by fragmentation, Germanyʼs Greens are going from strength to strength. Their party leaderʼs instinctive ability to reach new voters …

The Huawei Conundrum
Can Berlin find the courage to ban the world’s biggest telecoms equipment provider from its 5G network? Fear of Chinese espionage must be weighed …

All Hands on Deck
Concerns about fragmentation shape Berlin’s understanding of the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy. That carries risks, especially with Brexit approaching. Germany, along with …

Enough Babble
Talking about “greater responsibility” has seriously damaged Germany’s foreign policy debate. Time to ditch it. Policies are about interests. In May 2010, German President …

The Unready Hegemon
German foreign and security policy is not prepared for the new era of great power competition. To stand up for its convictions and values, …

Europe by Numbers: The Price of Mobility
“Freedom of movement for workers shall be secured within the Union,” says the Treaty of Lisbon. This is a core pillar of the EU’s …