Eye on Europe
Views and insights from around the “old continent” and the European Union’s engine room in Brussels

Views and insights from around the “old continent” and the European Union’s engine room in Brussels
Marine Le Pen risks being sidelined—at home and in Europe.
Spain’s election suggests a rejection of radicalism on both sides of the Catalan independence debate.
In the new world of great power competition, European cooperation is vital for survival.
Who is Ukraine’s likely next president, and what or whom does he stand for?
Italy’s government is unsettling its partners with its latest provocations. But the country’s Euroskepticism has a longer tradition than many realize.
The 16+1 partnership between Eastern European countries and China became the 17+1 on Friday after Greece joined.
Talk of moral hazard and contagion are back at EU emergency summits. Sound familiar?
Point-of-upload censorship, or fair remuneration for creatives? Either way, by passing Article 13/17, the European Parliament flexed its muscles.
Can Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn agree on a compromise to break the parliamentary deadlock? Unlikely.
The anti-corruption activist Zuzana Čaputová is on track be the country’s next president.
By fielding a seven-person team of EU election candidates, Europe’s Liberals have disrupted the Spitzenkandidat system for choosing the next Commission president.
The EU27 have granted the UK an extra two weeks to decide what it wants to do about Brexit.
After years of sheltering Hungary’s illiberal prime minister Viktor Orbán and his ruling Fidesz party, the EU’s most powerful political family has suspended the …
Britain descends into constitutional chaos as the Speaker blocks another vote on May’s twice-defeated deal.
Will the European Peoples Party finally expel Hungary’s prime minister and his Fidesz party?
There’s a reason Berlin is so reticent about responding to the French president’s European reform proposals.