Berlin Policy Journal
International affairs from the heart of Europe
International affairs from the heart of Europe
Berlin’s booming film industry has branched out into television streaming services that are reaching a wide international audience. What sells best are stories taken from the cityʼs checkered past.
After 1989, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe followed the same vision. But as the myth of the West declined, their paths diverged and divisions deepened. It’s time to bridge the gaps.
Unlike President Trump, the Pentagon regards climate change as a threat to national security and is undertaking substantial efforts to prepare for the fallout.
The attempt to meddle with the French presidential election of 2017 failed. Still, it’s vital to learn the right lessons. Future disinformation campaigns will be ever more sophisticated.
To stop climate change, growth needs to be decoupled from environmental pollution. Europe should lead the way, both as a model for others and to secure its own economic future.
With Germany’s political landscape in upheaval, observers of German politics may be excused for thinking that the world is caving in. In late May, …
The second Modi government offers Europe political stability and openness to foreign companies. It also shares a view of China. This May, incumbent Prime …
The German-French initiative to strengthen multilateralism looks compatible with Australia’s interests. But Canberra wonders where the United States fits in. Acting in concert with …
China and Russia seem to be getting ever closer, but the image of a deep Putin-Xi friendship can be deceiving. The EU should soberly …
As Brexit looms, Scotland’s first minister may have another opportunity to make the case for leaving the United Kingdom.
Traveling by plane is terrible for the environment. Yet aviation is very difficult to decarbonize. What’s the future of flying in a world of …
The civil war in Libya is getting worse, carrying the risk of spreading instability and extremism. Another refugee crisis could be looming.Yet so far …
Integrating refugees is painfully slow business―even slower than for other groups of migrants. Among Western countries, Germany is actually doing reasonably well. It was …
In just two weeks, Austrian politics was turned upside down. The “Ibizagate” video caused the collapse of the government and forced the chancellor out …
Thirty years have passed since Francis Fukuyama wrote about “The End of History.” In politics, he was soon proven wrong. In economics, it took …
The tech giants like to present themselves as foreign policy players, acting on an equal footing with nation states. In fact, they are practicing …