“The Gerasimov Doctrine”
It’s tempting to see a nefarious and belligerent Russia behind every threat. But has the West created a convenient bogey man?

Words Don’t Come Easy: “Predavstvo”
For many in the newly renamed country of North Macedonia, French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to block EU accession talks was a “betrayal.” It …
Words Don’t Come Easy: “Normipolitiikkaa”
Four of the five parties that make up Finland’s current government are led by women. But does that mean the Nordic nation is a beacon of equality?
Words Don’t Come Easy: “Geringonça”
Portugal’s government has defied the skeptics and made a success of its uneasy alliance of left-wing parties. But not everyone has benefited. Just a …
Words Don’t Come Easy: “Zack, Zack, Zack”
In just two weeks, Austrian politics was turned upside down. The “Ibizagate” video caused the collapse of the government and forced the chancellor out …
Words Don’t Come Easy: “Populism”
There are fears that the growing populist forces on the right and left are paving the way for authoritarianism. Yet those same forces can …

Words Don’t Come Easy: “Tempolimit”
In Germany’s highly-regulated society, driving as fast as you can on the autobahn is seen as one of the last remaining freedoms–for now. It’s …
Words Don’t Come Easy: “Hard Border”
It’s what all sides always said they want to avoid―the return of checkpoints and fences to the island of Ireland. But whatever Brexiteers claim, …
Words Don’t Come Easy: “Disembarkation Platform”
When it comes to refugee and migration policy, the European Union has a knack for inventing pseudo-English terms. Itʼs highly unlikely that doublespeak will …
Words Don’t Come Easy: “Pálinka”
Hungary’s populist premier Viktor Orbán not only drinks pálinka, but also uses it as a political tool. The robust brandy brings him closer to …
Words Don’t Come Easy: “Vaffanculo”
In Italy’s election campaign, political confrontation has given way to a mudslinging contest. Beppe Grillo, the founder of the populist Five Star Movement, has …
Words Don’t Come Easy: “protiv vsekh”
The Russian hashtag #protivvsekh, or “against everyone,” is Ksenia Sobchak’s presidential campaign slogan. But it seems everyone is against the controversial reality TV diva, …
Words Don’t Come Easy: GroKo, Jamaika, & Co.
All the political colors, synonyms, and acronyms you need to know when it comes to forming a new German government.
Words Don’t Come Easy: “En même temps”
For French president-elect Emmanuel Macron, these three little words are more than just a phrase he often repeats – they represent a condensed vision of the world as he sees it.