A bimonthly magazine on international affairs, edited in Germany's capital

Home Posts Tagged "Refugees"


Integrating refugees is painfully slow business―even slower than for other groups of migrants. Among Western countries, Germany is actually doing reasonably well. It was …

When it comes to refugee and migration policy, the European Union has a knack for inventing pseudo-English terms. Itʼs highly unlikely that doublespeak will …

Merkel’s coalition has agreed a shaky compromise over a controversial spy chief.

Bavaria’s ruling Christian Social Union (CSU) has unveiled new centralized migrant facilities it hopes will expedite the asylum process—and salvage its chances in a looming state poll.

Idlib threatens to be the next big flare-up in Syria’s civil war. Germany can play a decisive role in preventing a tragedy.

Hungary’s government has put forward the “Stop Soros” legislation package. The Central European University is in the crosshairs, too.

The European Court of Justice’s ruling on relocating refugees deepens the rift within the EU.

The EU-Turkey agreement has stopped the flow of refugees, but solved little.

How to make the EU-Turkey agreement stick – and apply its lesson to African migrants taking the perilous sea-route to Italy.

A pop-up “Damascus Goethe Institute in Exile” is fostering exchanges in Berlin.

Germans mark 26 years together in a poisoned mood over migration.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel needs a European solution for the refugee crisis more than ever.

Germans are becoming impatient with the way Chancellor Angela Merkel is approaching the refugee crisis.

Who is handling the European refugee crisis well?

Germany, along with the rest of the world, seems surprised by the principled stance Angela Merkel has taken in the refugee crisis. Looking over her record, however, the German Chancellor has never shied from putting her values on the line.

The refugee crisis in Europe is a modern tragedy playing out in three acts: the problem has been introduced, and now the main characters are locked in confrontation. But the conclusion remains uncertain.