“Putin and Xi Want to Split Apart Allies”
Germany needs to take the twin threats of Russia and China more seriously, argues Republican Senator TOM COTTON, a member of the US Senate …
No Climate Denial at the Pentagon
Unlike President Trump, the Pentagon regards climate change as a threat to national security and is undertaking substantial efforts to prepare for the fallout.
The (Temporary) End of Economic History
Thirty years have passed since Francis Fukuyama wrote about “The End of History.” In politics, he was soon proven wrong. In economics, it took …
Not Getting Away With Murder
Europe should take a principled stance in response to the brutal murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Pax Sinica
The geopolitical shift of power from the United States to China stems from the momentous transformation of energy policy. For Europe and Germany, engagement …
Weakening Cracks
France and Germany urgently need to forge a common strategy to deal with US trade conflicts.
Continental Drift?
The US and Europe seem to be pulling apart. But there is still space for meaningful transatlantic cooperation.
Neue Neue Ostpolitik
What lies behind the US-German spat over new Russian sanctions affecting the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project?
“Why Are You Still Here?”
The UK and the US are taking their time leaving the EU and the Paris climate accords respectively.
Bibi’s Test Case
A new settlement bill challenges Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s ability to control his coalition.
A Call to Arms Control
New dialogue on military affairs and armament can help rebuild security in East-West relations.