Manhattan Transfer
Still crucial after all those years: Posts on the transatlantic alliance and the United States

Still crucial after all those years: Posts on the transatlantic alliance and the United States
Ensuring that transatlantic flows are sustained in the COVID-19 crisis is one of the most important things that can be done right now.
That Trump may have tried and failed to poach a German company is a perfect narrative for a country deep in crisis.
Europeans have little to worry about a Sanders presidency.
Many in Europe warn that there will be no going back to the status quo ante in transatlantic affairs even if Donald Trump turns out to be a one-term president. That’s questionable.
Young media professionals in Germany and Israel, apply!
No matter how Canada’s October election goes, Germany’s multilateral agenda is likely to see a transatlantic setback.
The White House is threatening to withdraw US troops from Germany. With Donald Trump, this could actually happen.
Germany and Europe will not find solutions to the climate crisis without the United States
In the run-up to the European elections, US President Donald Trump shows where his sympathies lie.
Trump’s provocations and bullying grab the headlines. But there are also structural factors causing transatlantic tension.
The EU might have the tools to save the Iranian nuclear deal, but it will have to face off against Washington.
France and Germany urgently need to forge a common strategy to deal with US trade conflicts.
Russia used social media to influence the German election, too.
US President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel stand for conflicting conceptions of the West.
The format’s survival is not worth caving in to Donald Trump’s bullying.
Trump’s European tour and Merkel’s beer tent rally have left leaders facing uncharted territory.