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Home Posts Tagged "Greece"


The Greek prime minister has had a good run since coming to power last July.

The 16+1 partnership between Eastern European countries and China became the 17+1 on Friday after Greece joined.

Talk of moral hazard and contagion are back at EU emergency summits. Sound familiar?

Greek leaders are resurfacing demands that Germany pay reparations for the Nazi occupation.

Recent agreement in a long-running naming dispute between Greece and Macedonia has been hailed as a breakthrough. But nomenclature aside, not all is well in the Balkans.

Political, ethnic, and cultural tensions have taken center stage this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

Yanis Varoufakis, Europe’s most-hated and most-loved former finance minister, is trying a comeback in Greek politics.

Greece’s already embattled government stumbles into fresh controversy.

The dire situation in Greece and turmoil in Turkey are making the current refugee deal unsustainable.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras started out as the far-left David taking on the EU-IMF Goliath. Now he is seen as Berlin’s poodle.

Thousands of refugees are stuck in Greece.

Greece’s “self-evident revolution” (Η επανάσταση του αυτονόητου) stumbles over its children’s basic understanding of what’s right and what’s wrong.

Syriza’s election was supposed to mark a new direction for Greece. Instead, conditions have steadily worsened. The country is in dire eco-nomic shape and faces the brunt of the refugee crisis.

The giant consensus machine that is the EU is still running smoothly enough, but Europe – and Greece – will continue to suffer from the euro’s flawed construction.

Germany is facing intense criticism for its handling of the Greek crisis. However, few remember the obstacles the Merkel government had to overcome to reach an agreement with Athens and keep the eurozone together.

Germany’s finance minister may be (southern) Europe’s most hated man – at home his approval ratings are going through the roof. Pointing to the inner logic of eurozone rules he may have more in mind than the future Europe’s single currency.