A bimonthly magazine on international affairs, edited in Germany's capital

Home 2018 July

July, 2018

Trump’s provocations and bullying grab the headlines. But there are also structural factors causing transatlantic tension.

Washington’s trade war with China continues to escalate. The tit-for-tat row has forced Washington’s traditional partners to seek new alliances, says GIGA president Amrita Narlikar.

According to insiders, Donald Trump threatened to pull the US out of NATO at a testy Brussels summit. The alliance is on shakier ground than ever before.

As the German government goes on summer break, many of the country’s most pressing issues have been neglected due to the row over migration. …

The US-Europe partnership living in a powder keg, and many fear that at the NATO summit in Brussels next week, Donald Trump will light a match.

The German chancellor staved off a government collapse with an eleventh-hour deal to save her conservative bloc. But Angela Merkel’s power is waning.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Bavarian interior minister Horst Seehofer have reached a deal. But this migration fight isn’t over, not in Germany and not in the EU.