An Oil-Price War’s Surprise Ending
No one expected shale producers to survive extended low oil prices, but they have. The next act could prove even more destabilizing.
First They Came for the TPP
President-elect Donald Trump has suggested alarming changes to American trade policy.
What links Donald Trump’s victory, the Brexit vote, and support for Marine Le Pen’s Front National?
Europe’s Nightmare
The “unthinkable” has happened – again. The consequences for Europe and the world loom large.
Europe on Its Own?
Political uncertainty in Washington makes the necessity of a common European defense more urgent than ever.
Political Earthquake
Trump supporters voted to shatter America’s static political landscape. They may end up with a spectrum familiar to Europeans.
Does Merkel Have to Go?
This fall, Germany’s chancellor has been facing mutiny within her own ranks. But Angela Merkel has decided to fight.
Close-Up: Mariano Rajoy
Spain’s new-old prime minister has weathered every storm that’s come his way, but major challenges remain.