europe by numbers
john kampfner
A Very British Election
A World of Frenemies
jörg lau
Caught in the Headlights
Germany’s foreign policy foundations have suffered multiple shocks since 2014. But Berlin’s only answer is to play dead.
interview with tom cotton
“Putin and Xi Want to Split Apart Allies”
Germany and Europe aren’t taking the China and Russia threats seriously enough, a Republican senator warns.
daniela schwarzer
Weaponizing the Economy
Germany and Europe need to learn the rules of geo-economics.
kaan sahin
The Tech Cold War Illusion
As the US and China face off technologically, analogies with the pre-1989 era are misleading.
anja vladisavljevic
Andrej Plenković
Croatia is taking over the rotating EU presidency for the first time. Its prime minister is a dedicated “Mr. Europe,” but trouble looms.
carbon critical
noah gordon
The Four Camps of the New Climate Debate
Carbonists, Lukewarmists, Techno-Mitigators, or Alarmists: Who will shape the political process?
joseph de weck
The Macron-Schäuble Axis
Germany’s elder statesman Wolfgang Schäuble is playing political ping-pong with French President Emmanuel Macron.
words don’t come easy
ana petrusheva
North Macedonians feel “betrayed,” and with good reason.
transatlantic relations
tyson barker
California Calling
The Golden State is a tech and environmental superpower. Europe should pay more attention to Sacramento.
postcard from the new silk road
jacob mardell
Routes of Escape
Chinese workers on BRI projects often spend most of their time away from their families. In Kyrgyzstan, some see a silver lining.
the china challenge
sebastian heilmann
The Dangers of Herd Life
Ideas of human nature posited by the European Enlightenment are confronted with a Chinese countermodel.
red herring & black swan
michael rühle
Ground Control to Ivory Tower
There’s a problem with academic writing and communicating.
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