Red Herring & Black Swan: Ground Control to Ivory Tower
Academics often complain about being ignored by decision-makers. Yet people in power are neither uninterested nor uneducated. It’s the academic way of writing and …
Red Herring & Black Swan: Rally Behind the ECB
Instead of complaining, Germany and others need to back up the European Central Bank by investing in infrastructure and technology.

Red Herring & Black Swan: Is the German Question Back?
As the transatlantic relationship frays, thereʼs renewed talk of a return to German dominance in Europe. In fact, US withdrawal could have the opposite effect, as Franceʼs military might become more important.
Red Herring & Black Swan: Five Eyes for Europe
The EU‘s foreign and security policy needs to be backed up by shared intelligence. Eventually, the EU should have its own intelligence agency. For …
Red Herring & Black Swan: Climate Change Math
The traditional statistics on greenhouse gases don’t capture emissions related to trade, shipping, or international aviation. But that’s not the only reason they’re misleading. …
Red Herring & Black Swan: European Champions?
Helping companies battling US and Chinese competition, there are better ways for the EU than abandoning merger control.
Red Herring & Black Swan: Don’t Count Your Spitzens Before They Hatch
In 2014, Jean-Claude Juncker became commission president because the European Parliament pushed him as Spitzenkandidat. But that flawed system may not survive the 2019 …
Red Herring & Black Swan: A Bomb for Europe?
The question of whether Germany needs to develop its own nuclear weapon is leading nowhere. It makes more sense to think about realistic scenarios …

Red Herring & Black Swan: The Other Pivot to Asia
When European countries joined the Beijing-led Asia Infrastructure and Investment Bank against the White House’s wishes in 2015, they foreshadowed today‘s transatlantic trade rupture. …
Red Herrings & Black Swans: Passport Denied?
There‘s much talk about the likely costs of Brexit for British companies. But European businesses would do well readying themselves for impact, too. Paris, …