@yanisvaroufakis You left office about a year ago – any regrets? #i140c #eurocrisis
@berlinpolicy None whatsoever. Once it was no longer possible to do good for Greece as minister, there was no reason to stay in office.
@yanisvaroufakis Your proudest moment as #Greece’s Minister of Finance?
@berlinpolicy When a poorly dressed boy pointed me out to another boy & said: “This is the guy that gave our mum a card to buy groceries!”
@yanisvaroufakis Since you left, #Greek #euro crisis no longer dominating Europe’s headlines – #coincidence?
@berlinpolicy My departure ended a rebellion against debt bondage slavery. Slavery does not create headlines. A slaves’ revolt does.
@yanisvaroufakis Describe your relationship with Wolfgang #Schäuble.
@berlinpolicy An interesting relationship between finance ministers of a strong & a weak country who were equally powerless to do what was right.
@yanisvaroufakis Any takeaway from the #finger #boehmermann affair? #Varoufake
@berlinpolicy That satire is despised by despots and only appreciated deeply by humanists (even if it comes at a political cost to them).
@yanisvaroufakis You recently came out as an admirer of Margaret #Thatcher – elaborate. #oppositesattract
@berlinpolicy I admired something prescient once said by a political opponent. If we cannot do this, politics is inhuman.
@yanisvaroufakis You were once dubbed “Most interesting man in the world” by .@businessinsider – are you? #nofalsemodesty
@berlinpolicy If this is true, the world has become very boring.
@yanisvaroufakis You are critical of the #EU but pro-#European – how does that work?
@berlinpolicy In the same way that to be a good patriot you must often be searchingly critical of your government.
@yanisvaroufakis Do you think there would have been a #Brexit if there had been no #austerity?
@berlinpolicy No.
@yanisvaroufakis In 2015 you started democracy movement .@DiEM_25 in #Berlin. Do its aims fit into the current framework of the #EU?
@berlinpolicy DiEM25 believes that the EU is disintegrating. We must stabilize Europe’s economy first, before radically democratizing the EU.
@yanisvaroufakis Any realistic hope to fulfill .@DiEM_25 ‘s demands?
@berlinpolicy Did the initiators of the anti-slavery movement think their demand was utopian? You bet they did! So what? They succeeded.
@yanisvaroufakis Describe a day in the life of #Varoufakis.
@berlinpolicy Writing, reading, debating late in the day, and, at some point, chatting, watching, and listening with my partner-in-everything.
@yanisvaroufakis You’re a fan of #motorcycles. Favorite model and/or place to ride?
@berlinpolicy Yamaha XJR1300, coastal roads in northern and southern Attica, the Peloponnese plus wonderful B roads on Scotland’s West Coast.
@yanisvaroufakis What cause are you most passionate about today? #i140c
@berlinpolicy Democratizing Europe (against the troika’s will) in order to prevent a return of the 1930s in some vicious postmodern form.
Read more in the Berlin Policy Journal App – September/October 2016 issue.