A bimonthly magazine on international affairs, edited in Germany's capital

Home March/April 2019

March/April 2019

March/April 2019

Germany at a Loss

Europe By Numbers

The Price of Mobility

germany at a loss

constanze stelzenmüller

The Unready Hegemon

Baffled by the recent turn of events, Germany enters the
new phase of world politics on unsure footing.

thorsten benner

Enough Babble

Berlin should talk about interests,
not “greater responsibility.”

daniela schwarzer

Must Do Better

Germany needs to shift gears on Europe.

jörg lau

Well-Advised? Hardly

Foreign policy expertise is in crisis,
in Germany and beyond.


ben knight

Robert Habeck

The German Greens’ new Wunderwaffe and what he stands for.

merkel’s long goodbye

maurice frank

Tepid on Climate Change

Angela Merkel used to be hailed as the
“climate chancellor”. Not any more.

bettina vestring

The Last Battle

In a desperate bid to win back voters, Germany’s Social
Democrats are shifting to the left.

words don’t come easy

siobhán dowling


Germans just like to drive, drive,
drive down the autobahn.

questions of security

noah barkin

The Huawei Conundrum

Will Berlin find the courage to ban the world’s largest telecoms equipment provider from its future 5G network?

sophia besch and jana puglierin

All Hands on Deck

With Brexit approaching, Germany’s fear of fragmentation in EU security and defense policy carries risks.

red herring & black swan

georgios petropoulos and guntram wolff

European Champions?

There are better ways to help European companies battle US and Chinese competing than loosening merger control.

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