daniela schwarzer
The Status Quo Is Not an Option
The German government needs to forge compromises and build bridges. Stabilizing Europe is in its core interest.
interview with wolfgang schäuble
“I Strongly Advise Against Arrogance”
Germany’s most experienced politician in European affairs on the state of the European Union and how to advance it.
georg blume
Seeking the Force for Good
High time for the elites in France and Germany to rack their brains how to jointly take Europe forward.
oliver grimm
The Über-Germans
Is Germany over-represented in European institutions?
bettina vestring
Paper Army
Berlin wants to move toward a more integrated European defense policy. Given the sorry state of the Bundeswehr, this sounds hollow.
hans kundnani
Discipline and Punish
Under German leadership solidarity in the EU has become conditional on structural reforms.
Joanna Sopinska
Cecilia Malmström
Is the EU’s trade commissioner ready for a trade war?
europe’s discontents
nicolai von ondarza
Brexit by Brussels
With the May government deeply divided, it’s the remaining EU27 who determine the make-up of the future EU-UK relationship.
interview with szuszanna szelényi
“This Election Didn’t Serve Hungary”
Viktor Orbán’s victory isn’t as clear-cut as it seems.
words don’t come easy
dave keating
Ever since Swedish band ABBA won 1974, English has ruled supreme at the Eurovision Song Contest. But maybe not this time.
germany’s economy
sebastian heilmann and guntram b. wolff
Squeezed Model
Germany needs to reduce its dependency on experts and push for robust European trade and industrial policies.
the arab world
florence gaub
Bread, Freedom, Justice
The next Arab Spring is just a matter of time.
red herrings & black swans
tyson barker and mareike oldemeinen
Entering the Ice Age
Much has been written about Donald Trump ripping up the rules of world trade. Don’t believe the hype.
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