November/December 2017
Mourning Sylke Tempel
the editors
We have lost our editor-in-chief – an outstanding expert, journalist, writer, teacher, colleague, friend.
sylke tempel
Everything Is Foreign Policy
Today’s global frontlines do not run between East and West, but within states – between internationalists and nationalists.
europe by numbers
Mamma Mia!
heather grabbe and stefan lehne
An Existential Threat
Hungary and Poland continue to defy the EU’s values and threaten its unity. Brussels needs to flex its muscles, and fast.
ani horvath
Orbán Decay
Viktor Orbán has put Budapest on a collision course with Brussels. But not all Hungarians like the path he’s chosen.
piotr buras
Cutting Off Its Nose to Spite Its Face
Poland is drifting further away from the rest of Europe.
vít dostál and milan nič
Enter Babiš
The Czech Republic has voted for a billionaire populist. That’s not necessarily bad news for Brussels.
annabelle chapman
Robert Biedroń
A mayor from northern Poland is emerging as the darling of the liberal left and presidential contender. Is the country ready for him?
transatlantic relations
hugh eakin
“Last Night in Sweden”
American politicians on both the right and left love Scandinavia, but only because they don’t understand it.
melanie amann
Calm Before the Storm?
Germany’s rightwing populist AfD party has been eerily quiet in parliament so far. That is likely to change.
julian rappold
Waiting for Berlin
Emmanuel Macron was hoping Germany would embrace his vision for reforming Europe. So far he’s got no response.
jessica jones
Catalonia’s Blunder
The gamble of pro-independence activists has backfired.
words don’t come easy
maryna rakhlei
“Protiv vsekh”
Ksenia Sobchak’s hashtag campaign might be catchy, but it seems to be falling flat in Russia.
stormy-annika mildner and claudia schmucker
Filling the Void
America has left a vacuum in global free trade. The EU is right in its ambition to step in, but it has to tread lightly.
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