In 140 Characters: Reinhard Bütikofer
The Co-Chair of Europe’s Green Parties on broken status quo politics and the (culinary) temptations of Brussels.
Europe by Numbers: TTIP-Toeing
The battle for TTIP looks to be increasingly uphill, at least in Germany.
“We Are All on Guard”
How the German government has been coping with the refugee crisis, and still is.
“The Germans Have to Admit They Need Their Neighbors”
From Willkommenskultur to German angst – and back?
Pressure Cooker
The Italian government has put together a contingency plan to address a possible new wave of refugees coming from the South.
Close Up: Sergey Lavrov
The veteran of the Soviet school of diplomacy serves largely as the figurehead for a foreign policy beyond his control.
Words Don’t Come Easy: “Hotspots”
The obfuscating misuse of the English term is troubling not least because “hot spot” previously referred to the kind of place refugees are escaping.
No (Hidden) Agenda
The future of Syria remains of vital importance to France, but there is little Paris can do.
The Big Slowdown
Contrary to doomsday scenarios, the Chinese leadership appears well-equipped to manage lower growth.