A bimonthly magazine on international affairs, edited in Germany's capital

Home September/October 2018

September/October 2018

Assembly Required


europe by numbers

Refugees, Elsewhere

the german defense debate


jana puglierin

Stuck in a Holding Pattern

Germany’s debate about its military is going backwards.


bastian giegerich

The Long Road to Readiness

The Bundeswehr needs will, money—and patience.


carlo masala

Rising to the Task

The political outcome of Germany’s foreign missions is mixed. Militarily, however, the Bundeswehr has grown into its role.


barbara kunz

A French View: Oil and Water


julian lindley-french

A British View: Thinking About War




matthew tempest

Jeremy Hunt and Dominic Raab

Who are the United Kingdom’s 
new foreign and Brexit secretaries?

german foreign policy


marcel dirsus

A New Counterweight?

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas is suggesting 
a new world order.

words don’t come easy


derek scally


There’s not much love left between 
political sisters CDU and CSU.

the eu and migration


interview with alexander betts

“We Need a Balance Between Head and Heart”

How a European refugee and migration policy could look.



bilal bağ and tayyib demiroğlu

Help Turkey!

Turkey’s economic woes have huge consequences 
for Europe. It’s time Berlin steps in.

red herring & black swan


ulrike franke

Droned Out

The United States’ military isn’t the only one with drones.

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