January/February 2017

China is strategically buying up influence and innovation. This will have major consequences for the West.
Russia’s president is more a product of the Russian political landscape than its architect.
Berlin wakes up to the challenges of Russia’s online offensive.
The landmark exhibition that wasn’t has dampened German-Iranian relations.
Atlanticists need to prepare for a new era – and fast.
The “Orbánization” of the Visegrád group seems to have hit the buffers.
Winning the Dutch elections may not be enough for the far-right leader.
How to make the EU-Turkey agreement stick – and apply its lesson to African migrants taking the perilous sea-route to Italy.
Something very disruptive is going on in the political sphere, warns Simon Hegelich, professor for political data science.
Damage control isn’t the only answer to the Trump presidency. Europe has to take its fate into its own hands.
How strong are populists on social media?
The West’s open societies are under attack. It’s time to brace for a fight.
The office of Marieluise Beck, a veteran Green member of the Bundestag and vocal critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was hacked two years ago by the FSB. Then her party deselected her.
The ambitions of the People’s Liberation Army are beginning to approach Europe’s backyard.
Poland’s new strong men prefer to style themselves as persecuted outsiders.
Our January/February issue on digital manipulation is out now.