Syriza’s election was supposed to mark a new direction for Greece. Instead, conditions have steadily worsened. The country is in dire economic shape and faces the brunt of the refugee crisis.
It was advertized as the beginning of a new order – a transformation of political, economic, and social relations in Greece, and Europe as a whole. In short, a revolution.It was January 2015. The radical left alliance Syriza had won the Greek parliamentary elections. The assembly of Eurocommunists, Trotskyists, Maoists, and other leftwing splinter groups had led the charge against austerity policies and the Troika since the start of the crisis, and now it had gained power. Syriza formed the first Greek left-wing government, and became the first anti-austerity party to lead a eurozone country. “Greece is progressing, Europe is changing,” party leader Alexis Tsipras told cheering crowds. …
Read the complete article in the Berlin Policy Journal App – January/February 2016 issue.