europe by numbers
the next us president and europe
jana puglierin
Europe’s Nightmare
Under Donald Trump, transatlantic relations face existential threats.
xenia wickett, almut möller, michal baranowski, stephen szabo
Dealing with The Donald
How Europe should respond to the Trump presidency.
gustav gressel
Europe On Its Own?
Even if Trump doesn’t disengage from NATO, Europe needs to organize its own defense better.
dave keating
Political Earthquake
Will the Trump victory end America’s two-party system?
By Jessica Jones
Mariano Rajoy
After months of political standstill, his wait-and-see approach has rewarded Spain’s beleaguered prime minister with another term in office.
mariam lau
Does Merkel Have to Go?
The chancellor is facing discontent within her own ranks.
luuk van middelaar
Wanted: Event Managers
The EU needs to find new ways of mastering its various crises.
andrea affaticati
Renzi’s Big Gamble
Italy’s prime minister may be the next to fall over a referendum of his own making.
nikolia apostolou
No Tie, No Support
Greece has fallen out of love with its once-revered leader.
words don’t come easy
john crace
It means what it means what it means. Or does it?
ilya yashin
“Sanction Putin’s Officials, Not Russia’s Economy”
There is an opposition in Russia. It just lacks room to maneuver.
oleksandr hubolov
Flawed but Functioning
The Minsk II accords don’t work, but they serve a purpose – as long as anti-Kremlin sanctions remain in place.
ekkehard brose
Not by the Sword Alone
Iraq has become the first test case for Germany’s more robust crisis management policies. It’s been a promising start.
in 140 characters
Wonder Woman
The UN’s controversial new ambassador on men, Merkel, and miniskirts.
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