europe by numbers
Problem solved?
emily haber
“We Are All on Guard”
How Berlin has been coping with the refugee crisis, and still is.
heinz bude
“The Germans Have to Admit that They Need Their Neighbors”
From Willkommenskultur to German angst – and back?
claire demesmay
One Crisis among Many
France’s debate on refugees and migrants makes finding European solutions difficult.
josh raisher
From Sprint to Marathon
Once a way station for refugees, Greece now has to house tens of thousands for the foreseeable future.
Andrea Affaticati
Pressure Cooker
Italy braces itself for becoming refugees’ and migrants’ first port of call again.
close up
Sergey Lavrov
Russia’s foreign minister serves largely as the figurehead of a foreign policy beyond his control, argues Leonid Ragozin.
karen dawisha
“It Could Get Much Worse”
What the Panama Papers reveal about Vladimir Putin’s regime.
vladislav inozemtsev
Turning the Screw
Strengthening, not easing, sanctions against Moscow would be the right moral choice.
words don’t come easy
lucian kim
The EU’s doublespeak for emergency refugee processing has come full circle.
europe and its periphery
Daniel Mitov
The Sum of Its Parts
The EU’s response to external challenges needs improvement.
stefanie Babst
Bad Neighborhood
Some ideas NATO should discuss at its upcoming Warsaw summit.
frédéric charillon
No (Hidden) Agenda
French goals in Syria are more complex – and determinedly pursued – than its allies assume, but Paris lacks the means.
german foreign policy
hans kundnani
Business, As Usual
Germany prefers flexing the economic muscle while remaining reluctant to use military force. It is still a “geo-economic power”.
patrick hess
The Big Slowdown
Built-in contradictions between market and state create the risk of economic stagnation.
constanze stelzenmüller
Cold War, mon amour
Why are film and television producers trying to revive the 1980s?
in 140 characters
Reinhard Bütikofer
The Co-Chair of Europe’s Green Parties on broken status quo politics and the (culinary) temptations of Brussels.
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