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Home Articles Posted by Nikolia Apostolou

Posts by : Nikolia Apostolou

Nikolia Apostolou
Author / 7 Posts
is a writer, radio reporter, and video journalist currently living between Athens and Lesbos. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, USA Today, Al Jazeera, and The Economist.

Greek leaders are resurfacing demands that Germany pay reparations for the Nazi occupation.

Recent agreement in a long-running naming dispute between Greece and Macedonia has been hailed as a breakthrough. But nomenclature aside, not all is well in the Balkans.

Yanis Varoufakis, Europe’s most-hated and most-loved former finance minister, is trying a comeback in Greek politics.

Greece’s already embattled government stumbles into fresh controversy.

The EU-Turkey agreement has stopped the flow of refugees, but solved little.

The dire situation in Greece and turmoil in Turkey are making the current refugee deal unsustainable.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras started out as the far-left David taking on the EU-IMF Goliath. Now he is seen as Berlin’s poodle.